Building a culture that uses open knowledge management for effective collaboration and open research

Luke W. Johnston
Daniel B. Ibsen

May 23, 2024

The Polymath problem

Reinventing discovery

By using online open collaboration, they solved a complex unsolved problem.

A shift in research practice (=a shift in culture), solved what was thought unsolvable - in record time!

What worked well in this project

They were, with open online tools, able to:

  • amplify collective intelligence
  • have a dynamic division of labour
  • modularize the collaboration
  • conversational critical mass
  • restructuring expert attention

The problems we solve are getting bigger and bigger, and more and more complex

Getting a good life with diabetes and preventing diabetes are complex problems

More and more people are needed to solve the problem. Bigger and bigger organizations are needed.

To solve the complex problems we need to change/update our research culture

Culture is social learning

Culture = “the process of socially learning a group’s knowledge, rituals, and behaviours over time when they are part of or exposed to that group.”

We can do science because we learned it from others

More researchers doing something = more opportunities to learn

Researchers tend to move around a lot

  • PhD students graduate
  • Postdocs to other institutions
  • TAP/staff to other labs or contracts end

Moving benefit: personally gain experience, bring new knowledge and ideas

Some knowledge is gained…

Moving cost: group dynamic changes, culture has to be (re)learned

Knowledge is also lost…

🤔 How exactly do you communicate and share within Steno/your group?

Take 30 sec and think about this…

🤔 Is your way of communicating and sharing easy for newcomers?

Take 30 sec and think about this

Core questions:

What do you do for internal (organizational or group) knowledge management? How could you improve it?

Open knowledge management is…

A formal approach to sharing, creating, and managing knowledge

Specifically within an organization or group.

That is done in an open, accessible, transparent way

Usually publicly online

That stores knowledge from “where’s the printer” to “how to run this assay”

Any knowledge generated or needed could be recorded

That includes multidisciplinary methods

  1. Cultural: Values of sharing, documenting, openness
  2. Organizational: Mentor-mentee, incentive structures, prioritized
  3. Technological: Wikis, document sharing, IT infrastructure

Open knowledge management can help innovation and collaboration

Internal knowledge easily lost without a formal knowledge management system

This applies to both research and industry

Open research is still new—less researchers are doing it

Less people = less chances to learn and use

More people sharing openly = faster to learn and improve

Like any investment, it takes time but pays off in the long run

Basic principles to start

  • Documentation-focused culture
    • Limit emails, meetings
    • Write short posts instead
    • Use FAQ to ask/answer questions
    • Use group task tracker
    • Continuously improve
  • Something is better than nothing
  • Central location
  • Make work visible
  • Easy to search
  • Easy to edit
  • Open wherever possible

One example: Steno Common Docs

Resources and support for conducting research at SDCA.

Activity: Think 🤔 pair 💬 share 📢

How do you look for knowledge/info in your group/Steno to do your work? Is it easy to find? Do you have to verbally ask someone or send an email? Does it take a lot of time and energy?

How do you go about sharing knowledge? Is it easy to do? Is it easy to find later? Is it easy for others to find and use?

  1. 2 min: Think about these questions and, if you want, write down thoughts
  2. 8 min: Discuss the questions with your neighbor
  3. 10 min: Group-wide discussion

Examples of open knowledge management within Steno

Various Steno groups

Resources, slides, sessions for groups across Steno (e.g. epi-stats, registers, internationalization).

UK Biobank research group

Documentation and R package to share knowledge and simplify work with the UK Biobank.

DARTER project website

Documentation on variables and registers within DARTER project.

Seedcase Project Team

Team Documentation: Open knowledge sharing as we learn how to work together and build software.

Seedcase Project Community

Community Documentation: Sharing contributing guides, general knowledge for those outside of the team.

Some resources for further learning